Looser Or More Loose

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Loose definition, free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end. The confusion in spelling between lose, loser and loose, looser is probably more a result of our quirky, illogical English spelling system than of any deterioration of education and intelligence on the part of the literate English-speaking public.

Baccarat chemin de fer. Loose and lose are two completely distinct words, with different meanings and pronunciations. Below is a quick reference table outlining the differences between lose and loose:

Looser or more loose belly
rhymes with booze
rhymes with goose

verb forms
lose; losing; lost
loose; loosing; loosed
main verb meaning
to be unable to find or keep something
to release something

adjective forms
looser; loosest

*Note: the Oxford English Dictionary does have entries for ‘lose' as a noun (one meaning ‘an instance of losing', the other ‘praise; renown'), but neither is listed in our dictionaries of current English.

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Female breasts and male penises come in various sizes, so do vaginas. Magic of oz. Just as breasts are supposed to be roundish, the nipples must respond to stimulation and penises are expected to expand and contract, vaginas too are supposed to tighten and loosen up depending on various factors, most importantly hormones. While physical touch and mental stimulation seem to be the immediate stimuli, it is actually hormones, blood circulation and the elasticity of muscles that control the vaginal loosening or tightening. Vaginas are expected to loosen up during sexual intercourse or even foreplay. They are also expected to facilitate childbirth, which invariably requires the vaginal walls to move apart to make way for the baby. Likewise, vaginal walls would contract and be reasonably tight in normal circumstances.

Online winning games. While women can have a loose vagina, it is not owing to the hackneyed perception that having excessive sex leads to permanent stretching of the walls and labia. Sexual intercourse does not cause permanent changes to vaginal walls, the vulva or the labia among other parts of the female reproductive anatomy. Those who have a saggy vagina may be suffering from a temporary health ailment or there can be some physiological reason for the same. It is necessary to first observe if you have a loose vagina and only then can you try to figure out and understand the cause. There may be more than one cause for a loose vagina. Childbirth is a common cause. Ageing is another. Menopause is a common facilitating factor. There can be physiological disorders or deformations too. It is not wrong to find the male equivalent of a loose vagina in erectile dysfunction. Excessive sex or the lack of it has nothing to do with erectile dysfunction. The same applies to a loose vagina.

  • One of the first signs of a loose vagina is urinary stress infection. If you are experiencing urine leakage for no apparent reason, then your muscles may have lost their ability to stretch and contract. This is not necessarily a permanent condition. It may become a chronic problem but only if you do not take any remedial action. Urinary stress infection is characterized by uncontrollable leakage of urine during certain types of activities. A little bit of urine may leak when you do household chores, lift relatively heavy objects and engage in a strenuous physical activity or even when you sneeze, laugh and cough. This condition is not the same as incontinence. This is stress incontinence. The vaginal muscles facilitate the holding back of urine and prevent the bladder from empting the liquid waste. Since the muscles are unable to do so and hence causing incontinence, you may have a loose vagina.
  • If you do not have the same strength in your pelvic muscles as before, then you may want to check if you have a loose vagina. This is not just a sign but also a possible cause. The vaginal muscles would invariably depend on the strength in your pelvis to contract and expand. You can control your vaginal muscles. They are involuntary during stimulations, whether intercourse or childbirth, which is when your vaginal muscles must respond appropriately. The same vaginal muscles are also voluntary. This is the case when you urinate or perform stretching exercises. Poor pelvic strength can lead to and is also a sign of a loose vagina.
  • Obesity is a sign of a loose vagina, not because the latter causes you to gain weight but owing to the former having an impact on the muscles. Obesity tends to impair the elasticity of your skin, the strength in your muscles and also the composition of mass & fat in all parts of the body. Even vital organs can have layers of fat deposited on them if you are too overweight or obese. If you are several pounds overweight or considerably obese, check if you have a loose vagina.
  • One of the most surefire signs of a loose vagina is the index finger test. Insert the index finger or forefinger inside your vagina and use the labia to clasp it. If the vaginal lips fail to clasp the index finger, then you are unable to contract the muscles. This invariably means you have a loose vagina. Again, this is not necessarily a permanent condition. There may be one or more hormonal imbalances, your vaginal muscles may be weak, your core and pelvic muscles may have lost their strength and there can be other issues.
  • Ageing is a cause and a sign of a loose vagina. Most women will have weaker vaginal walls and muscles as they age. There is no universal rule though. Many old women can have tighter vaginas than younger women. The opposite is also true. Many aspects of your life, from diet to bodyweight, lifestyle to frequency of sex can have an effect on the vaginal muscles.

Looser Or More Loose

  • Menopause is often perceived as one of the causes of a loose vagina. It indeed is but it is not for every woman. There are many women who do not have any physiological difference in their vaginas before and after menopause. Many women continue to have an active sex life after menopause, despite the tectonic changes in hormonal secretions.
  • Childbirth is a preemptive sign that you have a loose vagina. It is imperative for every woman to have a slightly loose vagina immediately after childbirth. This gets restored in due course of time. Multiple childbirths may have a more sustained effect on the elasticity of the muscles and their form.
  • A surefire sign of having a loose vagina is lack of stimulation during foreplay. If you are fondling, kissing or enjoying oral sex and you are not feeling sexually stimulated, then there may be some problems and one of them could be a loose vagina. Your inability to contract and expand the muscles will reduce the stimulation.
  • Lack of stimulation during sexual intercourse is also a surefire sign. There are many women who do not feel stimulated before sex, such as foreplay or flirting, but they do feel the penis during intercourse. Those who do not feel stimulation during foreplay and during intercourse are more likely to have a loose vagina.
  • Lack of orgasm is also a sign of a loose vagina. At times women do not experience an orgasm due to the quality of sexual intercourse but they do feel the physical motion. If you do not feel the physical motion and there is no orgasm, then it is likely you have a loose vagina.

How To Make An Elastic Looser Or More Loose

Hard rock gambling age. If you are looking for natural solutions to tighten your vagina when make sure to read this article.

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